Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879.pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
TIngle Gillian
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(1)(1).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Tingle Robin
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(2).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Parkhouse Steve
Checkbox input: Select Harding Bryan_Redacted.pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Harding Bryan Redacted
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(3).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Dowle T
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(4)(1).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Dowle Teresa
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(5).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Parkhouse Steve
Checkbox input: Select Clow Sue(1).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Clow Sue
Checkbox input: Select Chapple David and Alyson.pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Chapple David And Alyson
Checkbox input: Select Clow T.pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Clow T
Checkbox input: Select DWT Comments 9.3.22 Land South of Broomhouse Park Tiverton 74879.pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Devon Wildlife Trust
Checkbox input: Select Mohar D.pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Mohar D
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(6)(3).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Barnabas & Campie Hurst-Bannister
Checkbox input: Select Email-Pl app 74879.pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Townsend Paula
Checkbox input: Select East Worlington Parish Council - response to application 74879.pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
East Worlington Parish Council
Checkbox input: Select England Mr R J.pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
England Mr R J
Checkbox input: Select Hewston Norman.pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Hewston Norman
Checkbox input: Select 73742 and 74879.pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
England Mr R J
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(9).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Dyer Nicola
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(10).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Miller Claire
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(11).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Bronzite J
Checkbox input: Select 73742 74879(1).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
England Mr Reg
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(11)(1).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Parkhouse Steve
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(12).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Hurst-Bannister Barnabas & Campie
Checkbox input: Select England R(1).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
England R
Checkbox input: Select Email-New comments for application 74879(13).pdf for download.
Letters of Representation
Mohar D
Checkbox input: Select 19419-PDL-01 Rev D_Prelim Drainage Layout.pdf for download.
Drainage Plan
Prelim Drainage Layout
19419-PDL-01 - D
Checkbox input: Select 19419-PDL-02 Rev E_Prelim Drainage Layout.pdf for download.
Drainage Plan
Prelim Drainage Layout
19419-PDL-02 - E
Checkbox input: Select Land at Witheridge_Biodiversity Metric 2.0 Calculation Tool Beta Test - December 2019 Update (1)_V4.xlsm for download.
Ecological Plan
Biodiversity Metric 2.0 Calculation Tool Beta Test - December 2019 Update (1)_V4.xlsm
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 15 A3 Boundaries 1.pdf for download.
Elevation and Section Proposed
Wall Boundaries Plan 1
P1950-15 -
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 16 A3 Boundaries 2.pdf for download.
Elevation and Section Proposed
Wall Boundaries Plan 2
P1950-16 -
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 17 A3 Boundaries 3.pdf for download.
Elevation and Section Proposed
Wall Boundaries Plan 3
P1950-17 -
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 18 A3 Boundaries4.pdf for download.
Elevation and Section Proposed
Wall Boundaries Plan 4
P1950-18 -
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 25 Rev A 2318 Opp.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Existing
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype SW2318 Plots 132, 153, 154
P1950-25 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 19 A3 Garages.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
P1950-19 -
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 20 Rev A 2324 As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed - Housetype SW2324 Plots 1, 6, 12, 16, 25, 48, 66, 155
P1950-20 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 21 Rev A 2324 Opp.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype SW2324 Plots 39, 63, 80, 110, 114, 119
P1950-21 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 22 Rev A 2318 As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype SW2318 Plots 5, 31,57, 70, 133
P1960-22 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 23 Rev A 2318 P148.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype SW2318 Plot 148
P1950-23 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 24 Rev A 2318 Opp P40.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype SW2318 Opp Plot 40
P1950-24 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 26 Rev A 2428 As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype SW2428 Plots 2, 4, 23, 64, 81, 118
P1950-26 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 27 Rev A 2428 As P69.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype SW2428 Plot 69
P1950-27 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 28 Rev A 2428 Opp.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype SW2428 Plots 15, 17, 32 65, 92, 93, 149
P1950-28 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 29 Rev A Type A As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype A Plots 3, 62, 79, 82, 89, 97, 145
P1950-29 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 30 Rev A Type A Opp.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype A -Plots 61, 103, 144
P1950-30 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 31 Rev A Type A2 As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype A2 Plots 11 & 14 Brick
P1950-31 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 32 Rev A Type A2 As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype A2 Plots 24, 96, 120
P1950-32 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 33 Rev A Type A2 Opp.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype A2 Plots 9, 35, 94, 111
P1950-33 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 34 Rev A Type A2 Opp.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype A2 Plots 10, 13, 26, 27
P1950-34 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 35 Rev A Type B As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype B Plots 112, 139, 141
P1950-35 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 36 Rev A Type B Opp.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype B Plots 11, 138, 140
P1950-36 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 37 Rev A Type H59 As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype H59 Plots 8, 75, 78, 95, 117, 142, 143, 151
P1950-37 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 38 Rev A Type H59 Opp.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype H59 Plots 76, 83, 105
P1950-38 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 39 Rev A H59 P152.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype H59 Plot 152
P1950-39 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 40 Rev A Type H59 P115 116.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed HousetType H59 Plots 115-116
P1950-40 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 41 Rev A Type H62 As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype H62 Plots 7 and 99
P1950-41 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 42 Rev A Type H62 P91.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype H62 Plot 91
P1950-42 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 43 Rev A Type H62 P124.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevatoin Floor Proposed Housetype H62 Plot 124
P1950-43 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 44 Rev A Type H62 Opp.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype H62 Plot 124
P1950-44 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 45 Rev A Type H62 P104.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype H62 Plot 104
P1950-45 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 46 Rev A Type 2420 As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype 2420 Plots 38, 100, 102, 103
P1950-46 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 47 Rev A Type 2420 Opp.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype 2420 Plot 33
P1950-47 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 50 Rev A Type Af1 P84-86.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed HouseType AF1 Plots 84-86
P1950-50 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 51 Rev A Type Af1 P130-131.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed HouseType AF1 Plots 130-131
P1950-51 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 52 Rev A Type Af1 H59 P43-44.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed HouseType AF1 H59 Plots 43-44
P1950-52 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 53 Rev A Type AF2 P41 42.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed HouseType AF2 Plots 41 42
P1950-53 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 54 Rev A Type AF2 As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed HouseType AF2 Plots 87-88 125-12
P1950-54 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 59 Rev A P55 56 AF3.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype AF3 Plots 55-56
P1950-59 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 60 Rev A P129-128 AF3.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed HousetypE AF3 Plots 128-129
P1950-60 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 61Rev A 2328 2329 P67-68.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype 2328 2329 Plots 67-68
P1950-61 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 62 Rev A 2328 2329 P71-72.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype 2328-2329 Plots 136-137 146-147
P1950-62 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 64 Rev A 2328 2329 P89-90.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype 2328-2329 Plots 134-135
P1950-64 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 69 Rev A 2409 As.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype 2409 Plots 18, 19, 22, 34 and 59
P1950-69 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 70 Rev A 2409 Opp.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype 2409 Plots 18, 19, 22, 34 and 59
P1950-70 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 71 Type AF2 AF3.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed HouseType AF2-AF3 Plots 46-47 106-107
P1950-71 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 77 Type AF1AF3 P71-74ELEV.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype AF1-AF3 Plots 71-74
P1950-77 -
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 78 Type AF3AF1 P108-109.pdf for download.
Elevations and Floor Proposed
Elevation Floor Proposed Housetype AF1-AF3 Plots 108-109
P1950-78 -
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 49 Rev A Type 2502 Elevs A3.pdf for download.
Elevations Proposed
Elevation Proposed Housetype 2502 Plots 21, 36, 58, 101
P1950-49 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 56 Rev A Type AF2 3block(elevs).pdf for download.
Elevations Proposed
Elevation Proposed HouseType AF2 Plots 28-30
P1950-56 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 58 Rev A Type AF2 Af4 3block (elevs).pdf for download.
Elevations Proposed
Elevation Proposed HouseType AF2-AF4 Plots 125-127
P1950-58 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 75 Type AF4 AFF1 P52-54 elev.pdf for download.
Elevations Proposed
Elevation Proposed Housetype AF4-AFF1 Plots 52-54
P1950-75 -
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 48 Rev A Type 2502 Plans A3.pdf for download.
Floor Plans Proposed
Floor Proposed Housetype 2502 Plots 21, 36, 58, 101
P1950-48 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 55 Rev A Type AF2 3block.pdf for download.
Floor Plans Proposed
Floor Proposed HouseType AF2 Plots 28-30
P1950-55 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 57 Rev A Type AF2 Af4 3block.pdf for download.
Floor Plans Proposed
Floor Proposed HouseType AF2-AF4 Plots 125-127
P1950-57 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 72 P495051 AF3AF1.pdf for download.
Floor Plans Proposed
Floor Proposed Housetype AF3-AF1 Plots 49-51
P1950-72 -
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 74 Type AF4 AFF1 P52-54.pdf for download.
Floor Plans Proposed
Floor Proposed HouseType AF4 AFF1 Plots 52-54
P1950-74 -
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 76 Type AF1AF3 P71-74.pdf for download.
Floor Plans Proposed
Floor Proposed Housetype AF1-AF3 Plots 71-74
P1950-76 -
Checkbox input: Select R-2118-7D Landscape Masterplan - Section 1.pdf for download.
Landscaping Plan
Landscape Masterplan - Section 1
R-2118-7 - D
Checkbox input: Select R-2118-8E Landscape Masterplan - Section 2.pdf for download.
Landscaping Plan
Landscape Masterplan - Section 2
R-2118-8 - E
Checkbox input: Select P1950 01 Witheridge Ph2 Location A1.pdf for download.
Location Plan
Location Plan
P1950 01 Ph2 -
Checkbox input: Select BD19 Witheridge Housetypes Submission 30.06.21_Part1.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Housetypes Submission 30
BD950-15 -
Checkbox input: Select BD19 Witheridge Housetypes Submission 30.06.21_Part2.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Housetypes Submission 30
BD1950-45 -
Checkbox input: Select BD19 Witheridge Housetypes Submission 30.06.21_Part3.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Housetypes Submission 30
P1950-68 -
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 64 Rev A Witheridge Housetypes A3 14.07.21.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Housetypes 14
P1950 64 - A
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 71 Rev- Witheridge Housetypes A3 14.07.21.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Housetypes 14
19419-PDL-01 - D
Checkbox input: Select 19419-PHL-01 Rev C_Preliminary Levels.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Preliminary Levels
19419-PHL-01 - C
Checkbox input: Select 19419-PHL-02 Rev D_Preliminary Levels.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Preliminary Levels
19419-PHL-02 - D
Checkbox input: Select 19419-PHL-101 Rev A_Preliminary Highway Layout.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Preliminary Highway Layout
19419-PHL-101 - A
Checkbox input: Select 19419-PHL-102 Rev B_Preliminary Highway Layout.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Preliminary Highway Layout
19419-PHL-102 - B
Checkbox input: Select 19419-PRP-101 Rev A_Preliminary Road Profiles.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Preliminary Road Profiles
19419-PRP-101 - A
Checkbox input: Select 19419-PRP-102 Rev B_Preliminary Road Profiles.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Preliminary Road Profiles
19419-PRP-102 - B
Checkbox input: Select 19419-PRP-103 Rev A_Preliminary Road Profiles.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Preliminary Road Profiles
19419-PRP-103 - A
Checkbox input: Select 19419-PRP-104 Rev A_Preliminary Road Profiles.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Preliminary Road Profiles
19419-PRP-104 - A
Checkbox input: Select 19419-SPA-01 Rev B_Swept Path Analysis - Refuse.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Swept Path Analysis - Refuse
19419-SPA-01 - B
Checkbox input: Select 19419-SPA-02 Rev B_Swept Path Analysis - Refuse.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Swept Path Analysis - Refuse
19419-SPA-02 - B
Checkbox input: Select 19419-SPA-03 Rev C_Swept Path Analysis - Refuse.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Swept Path Analysis - Refuse
19419-SPA-03 - C
Checkbox input: Select 19419-SPA-04 Rev C_Swept Path Analysis - Refuse.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Swept Path Analysis - Refuse
19419-SPA-04 - C
Checkbox input: Select 19419-SPA-101 Rev B_Swept Path Analysis - Fire Tender.pdf for download.
Other Plans
Swept Path Analysis - Fire Tender
19419-SPA-101 - B
Checkbox input: Select P1950 02 Witheridge Ph2 Existing Site A1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Existing
Existing Site Plan
P1950 03 Ph2 -
Checkbox input: Select P1950 04 Witheridge Ph2 Concept evo1 A1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Concept Evolution 1
P1950 04 Ph2 -
Checkbox input: Select P1950 05 Witheridge Ph2 Concept evo2 A1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Concept Evolution 2
P1950 05 Ph2 -
Checkbox input: Select R-2118-9B Public Open Space Section 1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Public Open Space Section 1
R-2118-9 - B
Checkbox input: Select R-2118-10A Public Open Space Section 2.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Public Open Space Section 2
R-2118-10 - A
Checkbox input: Select P1950 06 Rev C Witheridge Ph2 Site Masterplan A1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Ph2 Site Masterplan
P1950 06 - C
Checkbox input: Select P1950 07 Rev C Witheridge Ph2 Site Layout East A1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Site Layout East
P1950 07 Ph2 - C
Checkbox input: Select P1950 08 Rev C Witheridge Ph2 Site Layout West A1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Site Layout West
P1950 08 Ph2 - C
Checkbox input: Select P1950 09 Rev B Witheridge Ph2 Site Layout Analysis1 A1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Site Layout Analysis 1
P1950 09 Ph2 - B
Checkbox input: Select P1950 10 Rev A Witheridge Ph2 Site Layout Analysis 2 A1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Site Layout Analysis 2
P1950 10 Ph2 - A
Checkbox input: Select P1950 11 RevB Witheridge Ph2 Site External Materials A1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Site Layout External Materials
P1950 11 Ph2 - B
Checkbox input: Select P1950 12 Rev B Witheridge Ph2 Site POS Areas 18.06.22 A1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Site POS Areas 17
P1950 12 Ph2 - B
Checkbox input: Select P1950 13 Witheridge Ph2 Site Layout Garden analysis A1.pdf for download.
Site Plan Proposed
Site Layout Garden analysis
P1950 13 Ph2 -
Checkbox input: Select ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf for download.
Application Form No Personal Data
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 DandA inc BFHL22 Submission lowres 28.06.21_Part1.pdf for download.
Design and Access Statement
Danda Inc Bfhl22 Submission Lowres 28.06.21 Part1
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 DandA inc BFHL22 Submission lowres 28.06.21_Part2.pdf for download.
Design and Access Statement
Danda Inc Bfhl22 Submission Lowres 28.06.21 Part2
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 DandA inc BFHL22 Submission lowres 28.06.21_Part3.pdf for download.
Design and Access Statement
Danda Inc Bfhl22 Submission Lowres 28.06.21 Part3
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 DandA inc BFHL22 Submission lowres 28.06.21_Part4.pdf for download.
Design and Access Statement
Danda Inc Bfhl22 Submission Lowres 28.06.21 Part4
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 DandA inc BFHL22 Submission lowres 28.06.21_Part5.pdf for download.
Design and Access Statement
Danda Inc Bfhl22 Submission Lowres 28.06.21 Part5
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 DandA inc BFHL22 Submission lowres 28.06.21_Part6.pdf for download.
Design and Access Statement
Danda Inc Bfhl22 Submission Lowres 28.06.21 Part6
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 DandA inc BFHL22 Submission lowres 28.06.21_Part7.pdf for download.
Design and Access Statement
Danda Inc Bfhl22 Submission Lowres 28.06.21 Part7
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 DandA inc BFHL22 Submission lowres 28.06.21_Part8.pdf for download.
Design and Access Statement
Danda Inc Bfhl22 Submission Lowres 28.06.21 Part8
Checkbox input: Select BD1950 DandA inc BFHL22 Submission lowres 28.06.21_Part9.pdf for download.
Design and Access Statement
Danda Inc Bfhl22 Submission Lowres 28.06.21 Part9
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement.pdf for download.
Design and Access Statement
Checkbox input: Select Land at Witheridge_Arboricultural Assessment_First Ecology_Reduced Size(1).pdf for download.
Ecological Report
Arboricultural Assessment First Ecology Reduced Size
Checkbox input: Select Land at Witheridge_Ecological Assessment_First Ecology_Reduced Size(1).pdf for download.
Ecological Report
Ecological Assessment First Ecology Reduced Size
Checkbox input: Select Land at Witheridge_Preliminary Ecological Appraisal_First Ecology_Reduced Size(1).pdf for download.
Ecological Report
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal First Ecology Reduced Size
Checkbox input: Select Land at Witheridge_Biodiversity Net Gain baseline plan_First Ecology_v2.pdf for download.
Ecological Report
Biodiversity Net Gain Baseline Plan First Ecology V2
Figure 1 -
Checkbox input: Select 19419-R01-01 Rev B_FRA & Drainage Strategy.pdf for download.
Flood Risk Assessment
19419-R01-01 Rev 1
Checkbox input: Select Ground Investigation Report GCE01107-R1 v1.pdf for download.
Geotechnical Report
GCE01107 R1 V1
Checkbox input: Select 10151 LVA.pdf for download.
Landscape Visual Impact Assessment
Checkbox input: Select Planning Statement V1.pdf for download.
Planning Statement
Planning Statement V1
Checkbox input: Select Housing Delivery Statement.pdf for download.
Supporting Document
Housing Delivery Statement
Checkbox input: Select V2AQ051815 Witheridge AQA.pdf for download.
Supporting Document
Air Quality Assessment
Checkbox input: Select Witheridge report FINAL.pdf for download.
Supporting Document
Housing Needs Report Final
Checkbox input: Select 10.01.22 NB Witheridge II NMU v1r0.pdf for download.
Supporting Document
Non-Motorised User Audit
Checkbox input: Select 21-TP0042 Witheridge Phase II Transport Statement v2r0 (Full).pdf for download.
Transport Report
Checkbox input: Select Wildlife Trigger List.pdf for download.
Wildlife Trigger Report