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Application Number



Consideration Period

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Planning Online Status

  • Application
  • Consultation
  • Committee
  • Decision

  • Decision
  • Appeal
  • Appeal

Application Number 74500
Location Address Land at Westaway Plains (West of Youings Drive) Pilton Barnstaple Devon
Proposal Hybrid planning application comprising the following; Outline application for the erection of 17dwellings, with associated parking and open space area. With appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved ; & Full planning permission for a 76-bed care home set over one, two and two and a half storeys (Use Class C2)
Status Pending
Application Type Full Application
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 08/12/2021
Application Valid Date 21/02/2022
Consultation Start Date 06/12/2022
Site Visited / Site Notice Date
Consultation End 27/12/2022
Advert Expiry 31/03/2022
Committee Date (if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Expiry Date 12/04/2024
Decision Date

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Mrs J. Meakins
Parish BARNSTAPLE (pre-2023)
Applicant Name Barnstaple Care Home Limited (previously called Fr
Agent Name Mr John Bell
Agent Address 6 Pioneer Court Morton Palms Business Park Darlington DL1 4WD

Copyright Notice

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

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Letters of Representation
Submitted Plans
Documents and Reports
Consultation Responses
General Correspondence
Planning Application Documents

Consultation Responses

Neighbour List

In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.

Name Address Sent Reply Received
George Scott 37 YOUINGS DRIVE BARNSTAPLE DEVON EX31 1QL 09/03/2022
George Scott 37 YOUINGS DRIVE BARNSTAPLE DEVON EX31 1QL 08/12/2022
Michael Tighe 02/03/2022
Mrs Lindsay Tranter-Sharpe 9 WORDSWORTH AVENUE BARNSTAPLE DEVON EX31 1QQ 30/03/2022
Nicola Scott 37 YOUINGS DRIVE BARNSTAPLE DEVON EX31 1QL 10/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 11 Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 13 Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 15 Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 17 Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 19 Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 1A Westaway View Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 1B Rustlings Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 1C Newlands Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 21 Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 23 Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 3 Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 5 Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 7 Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022
Owner/Occupier 9 Youings Drive Barnstaple Devon EX31 1QL 01/03/2022

Consultee List

Name Organisation Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Heritage & Conservation Officer Heritage & Conservation Officer 21/12/2023
Arboricultural Officer Arboricultural Officer 01/03/2022 22/03/2022
Barnstaple Town Council Barnstaple Town Council 01/03/2022 22/03/2022 25/03/2022
Councillor I Roome Councillor I Roome 01/03/2022 29/03/2022
Councillor J Orange Councillor J Orange 01/03/2022 29/03/2022
Councillor M Lovering Councillor M Lovering 01/03/2022 29/03/2022
DCC - Development Management Highways DCC - Development Management Highways 01/03/2022 22/03/2022
DCC - Historic Environment Team DCC - Historic Environment Team 01/03/2022 22/03/2022 15/03/2022
DCC - Lead Local Flood Authority DCC - Lead Local Flood Authority 01/03/2022 22/03/2022 21/03/2022
DCC - Public Health DCC - Public Health 01/03/2022 22/03/2022
Devon County Council - Planning Team Devon County Council Planning Team 01/03/2022 22/03/2022
Environment Agency Environment Agency 01/03/2022 22/03/2022
Environmental Health Manager Environmental Health Manager 01/03/2022 22/03/2022 09/03/2022
Housing Enabling Officer Housing Enabling Officer 01/03/2022 22/03/2022 22/03/2022
Kate Broad DCC Waste Management 01/03/2022 22/03/2022 04/03/2022
NDC Waste, Recycling & Commercial Services NDC Waste, Recycling & Commercial Services 01/03/2022 22/03/2022
Open Space Officer Open Space Officer 01/03/2022 22/03/2022 02/03/2022
Planning Policy Unit Planning Policy Unit 01/03/2022 22/03/2022
South West Water South West Water 01/03/2022 22/03/2022
Sustainability Officer Sustainability Officer 01/03/2022 22/03/2022 16/03/2022
Arboricultural Officer Arboricultural Officer 02/03/2022 23/03/2022
DCC - Childrens Services DCC - Childrens Services 02/03/2022 23/03/2022 25/03/2022
Arboricultural Officer Arboricultural Officer 25/05/2022 08/06/2022 25/05/2022
DCC - Lead Local Flood Authority DCC - Lead Local Flood Authority 25/05/2022 08/06/2022 16/02/2023
Sustainability Officer Sustainability Officer 25/05/2022 08/06/2022
Environmental Health Manager Environmental Health Manager 24/06/2022 08/07/2022 01/07/2022
George Grute NHS Primary Care 06/12/2022 27/12/2022 23/12/2022
NHS Acute Care NHS Acute Care 06/12/2022 27/12/2022 15/12/2022

Constraints List

Constraints List
Landscape Character is: 7 Main Cities and Towns
Planning Officer Area: North Team
Burrington Radar Safeguard Area consultation required for: All buildings, structures, erections & works exceeding 45 metres in height.
Advert Control Area Area of Special Advert Control
Chivenor Safeguard Zone Consultation Struture or works exceeding 45.7m
Within:Braunton Burrows, SAC 10KM Buffer if agricultural development consider need for AQIA
Within:, SSSI 500M Buffer in North Devon,consider need for AQIA if proposal is for anaerobic digester without combustion plant
Within:, SSSI 5KM Buffer in North Devon,consider need for AQIA if proposal is for anaerobic digester without combustion plant
SSSI Impact Risk Consultation Requirement:,Infrastucture:Pipelines, pylons and overhead cables. Any transport proposal including road, rail and by water (excluding routine maintenance). Airports, helipads and other aviation proposals.,Wind/Solar:Solar schemes with footprint > 0.5ha, all wind turbines.,Minerals/Oil/Gas:Planning applications for quarries, including: new proposals, Review of Minerals Permissions (ROMP), extensions, variations to conditions etc. Oil & gas exploration/extraction., Rural Non Residential:,Residential:Residential development of 50 units or more.,Rural Residential:Any residential development of 10 or more houses outside existing settlements/urban areas.,Air Pollution:Any development that could cause AIR POLLUTION (incl: industrial/commercial processes, livestock & poultry units, slurry lagoons/manure stores).,Combustion:All general combustion processes. Incl: energy from waste incineration, other incineration, landfill gas generation plant, pyrolysis/gasification, anaerobic digestion, sewage treatment works, other incineration/ combustion.,Waste:Mechanical and biological waste treatment, inert landfill, non-hazardous landfill, hazardous landfill, household civic amenity recycling facilities construction, demolition and excavation waste, other waste management.,Compost:Any composting proposal. Incl: open windrow composting, in-vessel composting, anaerobic digestion, other waste management.,Water SupplyAny discharge of water or liquid waste that is discharged to ground (ie to seep away) or to surface water, such as a beck or stream (NB this does not include discharges to mains sewer which are unlikely to pose a risk at this location).
Within Surface Water 1 in 30
Within Surface Water 1 in 100
Within Surface Water 1 in 1000
County Highway Development Officer:Matt Collins
Within adopted Development Boundary: Barnstaple North Development Boundary ST06
Within Adopted Unesco Biosphere Transition (ST14)
Within Braunton Burrows Zone of Influence
Unclassified Road
No associated appeals